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The religion of the Kabui Naga is neither a deep-rooted philosophy nor does it demand any spiritual or mystic participation by the followers. Human needs and biological functions determine their religion which is not free from magic and sorcery.
With the coming of the christian missionaries,most of the Naga tribes got converted to christianity since 150 years. But christianity came late among the Kabuis.Though christian by faith,they still follow some of the old practices of tribal religions.They belives that they'll not prosper if they omit the sacrifices due to the dieties around them,who if unpleased are ever ready to blinght their crops and bring illness upon them and their families.
Publishing (BIBLE) History of Rongmei Naga.
Part of the Bible was published for the first time in 1959.
The New Testament was first published in 1979.
The complete Bible was first published in 1989.