A "user" refers to any individual, apart from the site operators and owners, who loads any material to or from the Rongmeivoice server.
A "member" is someone who has opened an account with Rongmeivoice. All members are site "users".
Disclaimer specifics:
1. (a) The opinions expressed by the user created on this site do not reflect the opinions of Rongmeivoice, its employees, or its sponsors. They are the opinions of Users. Rongmeivoice does not represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, legality or reliability of any material posted by Users. Rongmeivoice is a quasi-blog site and is not responsible for the content loaded by members onto the site
1. (b) As a quasi-blog site, content Rongmeivoice is predominantly member based. Rongmeivoice does not and cannot review all content. Rongmeivoice does NOT guarantee that an article has either been reviewed or moderated because content posting may be automatic. Rongmeivoice does not warrant its review processes in any way. Moreover, members will indemnify Rongmeivoice in relation to any legal action involving that member's content regardless of whether that content has been reviewed or moderated (by Rongmeivoice) or not.
2. If any User uses a trademark, this trademark is the property of its owner and must be used with permission.
3. Rongmeivoice is not responsible for the conduct of its users and members. Rongmeivoice cannot monitor all site content but will review sample content periodically.
4. Users are not allowed to use our services in any manner that violates the law.
5. Rongmeivoice cannot guarantee that a user's article will forever be available on this site.
6. Rongmeivoice is not responsible for any damages caused by our services. All our services are provided without any warranties.
7. Rongmeivoice is not responsible for any damages caused by an outage of our services.
8. Rongmeivoice reserves the right to remove any articles / delete a user's account at our own discretion, anytime. Rongmeivoice reserves the right to expel Users and prevent their further access to the Web site for violating our terms of service or the law.
9. Rongmeivoice reserves the right to change the terms of any of our services with no prior notice.
10. Rongmeivoice reserves the right to shut down this website or any of its services with no prior notice and no explanation.
11. Users of our system must abide to the conditions set out in this disclaimer in order to use our system. Use of our system implies acceptance of this disclaimer.
12. We reserve the right to edit the disclaimer at any time without any notice.
13. We do not endorse or maintain a position regarding any political candidate, political group, or cause. Use of our service is open to anyone regardless of age, race, creed, sex, national origin, or political beliefs.
14. Rongmeivoice in its absolute discretion may release member contact and other identifying details to third parties without notice to the member. This clause may be invoked, for example, when Rongmeivoice forms an opinion that the release of such information is fair, equitable or may help in a legitimate legal investigation, criminal or civil.
15. Any news that are mark as Source: e-pao/, Rongmeivoice have obtained the permission to used any news publish in “” from team. And a copy of the mail is listed in the blog, with the title “Announcement III”
16. This disclaimer shall be governed by the law of and protections afforded by the Supreme Court of India, to blog sites against claims for libel or copyright infringement. This website is not liable for any such infringements in relation to materials uploaded by members. Redress against member content lies with direct claims against members/authors, not this website.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
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