Earlier the Rongmei are known as ferocious eaters.But slowly their diet began to change. Rice is the staple food of the Rongmei; rice is eaten twice a day either with vegetables or non-vegetables. They appreciate the smell of dried fish and they almost everyday used it along with other curry. Meat and skin are often half dried over the fire and kept for a considerable time for future consumption.
The Rongmei prefer to drink JOU and JUNG OU (both are local brew).At the occasion of marriages and festivals ,large quantities of Jung Ou are consumed.Tea is a popular consumed beverage.
Betel (pan) eating with lime and raw Kowai ( raw betel-nuts) is universal among the Rongmei.But now as they know about its ill effect,they have lessen its comsumption.
The Rongmei prefer to drink JOU and JUNG OU (both are local brew).At the occasion of marriages and festivals ,large quantities of Jung Ou are consumed.Tea is a popular consumed beverage.
Betel (pan) eating with lime and raw Kowai ( raw betel-nuts) is universal among the Rongmei.But now as they know about its ill effect,they have lessen its comsumption.