1. Motto of RLS-Assam.
To make simple, clear, understandable, easy to read and write will be the formulae of
Nruanghmei Orthography.
2. The Alphabet
1) The Consonant – 15
Bb, Cc, Dd, Gg, Hh, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Pp, Rr, Ss, Tt, Zz
2) The Vowel – 7
a, e, i, o, u, w, y
3) f, q, v, x are excluded from the alphabet
3. Short Sound
1) The single a is used as extreme short sound.
a) Word = Lat
b) Thou = Nang
2) Diphthongs: au, ai, ei, ia, iu, ou, ua, ui, are used to make normal short sounds.
a) Bag = Khau,
b) House = Kai
c) Council = Pei,
d) Script = Hiak
e) Buy = Liu,
f) Uncle = Pou,
g) Cup = Buang,
h) Mother = Pui
4. Long sound:
1) Diphthong: aa, ae, ee, ii are used as long sound.
a) Take = Laa,
b) Way = Chaeng,
c) Need = Kagee
d) Will = Nii etc.
2) Tripthong: iau, uai are also used as long sound.
a) Cat = Miauna
b) Egg = Ruaiduih
3) Semi Vowel: w, y are used as heavy and long sound.
Examples: Compare the sound with u, i
a) Short = Dwi Kahiang dwi e Dui zang e
b) Head = Py A py suc e A kai pic raamv ngam the.
5. Nasal Sound:
m, n are used as nasal sound in Nruanghmei.
a) m : Bury = Mbeih - Bury the dead = Theihmei ta mbeih tho.
b) n : Ant = Ntiang – The ant bites = Ntiang kay e.
6. Tone Marks:
1) h c v are used as tone marks.
a) h is used as low and glottal tone.
Example: to pinch (limh) - Do not pinch me = Ata limh rio.
b) c is used as rising tone.
Example: to dive (Limc ) - The stone dives = Tauthing dui limc e.
c) v is used as falling tone.
Example: Ambush (Limv) – Making ambush to attack = Adou khang limv bam the.
Other Homonyms in Nruanghmei:
1) to peel = lim Peel the fruit = Tingthai tei lim tho.
2) shadow = lim He is sitting under the shadow of the tree = Kamei thingbang lim
khou dungbam e.
3) lower part of diaphragm = lim My abdomen gets pain = A limh suc e.
2) Tone Shifting
Sometimes the glottal tone will shift to rising tone, rising tone to level tone and falling
tone to rising tone in order to pronounce and convey the meaning of the wore
a) Chamcna chaam chamhloumei bam khou cham nchamc bammei nun chamv tei
rui chamvdin sw the.
b) Ka guangv khou kachaek ntuc nlei bammei alau tei rui guangh gwaina guangc
maa khou guangc gwang the.
7. The use of j and z,
j is used for light sound, whereas z for heavy sound.
a) Love = Jian, Grace = Jaujian, Peace = Chujaenghmei etc.
b) Wine = Zouh, Darkness = Zinghmei, Night = Zingbang etc.
8. Word Division
To divide words that may fully renders the meaning of each word separately.
a) If = ethei, rethei, gethei,
b) Best = gayliangmei,
c) Mine = atuang, His = Katuang
d) My home = a kai, (atuang kai)
e) His home = Ka kai (Katuang kai)
f) Upon = rukhou, pwkhou and not ru khou or pw khou
g) Remember = Ningtow o, and not ning tow o
h) Inn = Ginbangvkai and not Gin Bangvkai
9. Suggestion-1:
To be consistent in writing of the main and original spelling of each word and not to
confuse by changing the spelling with the toning in a sentence as follows:
1) Read = Pah - Good to read this script = Mi hiak hei pah gay e, and not pac e.
2) Much = Geih – Too much for me = A khang geih the, and not geic the.
3) King = Guangh – Jesus, king of the Jews = Jisu hei Jihudimei guangh e, and not
guangc e.
4) Reach = Tangh - Inform me whether you reached home or not = Kai tangc the
tangh mak ge twmei tithai gwanglou dat ro.
Suggestion – 2:
Or to maintain the same spelling of each word, but to apply the tone mark as and when
need arises:
1) pot = lai 1) boil = lang 1) temper = rei
2) to pour = lai 2) to depart = lang 2) silent = rei
3) to follow = lai 3) part = lang 3) first = rei
4) to gather = lai 4) beam = lang 4) intestine = rei
5) intercourse = lai 5) thread = lang 5) to pluck = rei
6) to chase out = lai 6) to hire = lang 6) dirty = rei
7) a kind of soft grass = nlai 7) excess = lang 7) outcast = rei
8) to give time = rei
9) to stay away = rei
10) to esteem = nrei
11) a kind of insect = nrei
Prepared by Rev. Dr. K. G. Neihlalung.