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The Rongmei  are generally industrious honest and people of integrity.They are brave enough when things go well,but subject to panic when plan go awry.The Rongmei are exagomous and don't have intra clan marriages.They are supertitious and care too much for good and ill omens.Thelf and crimes of violence are uncommon and most of them have a great sense of humour.
The Rongmei economy is essentially agrarian in character.They largely depend on agriculture .They also practice jhum cultivation. The Rongmei also keep pigs and swines which feed on the vegetables wastes and inferior grains.The pigs function as buffer-stock which are used during the period of scarcity and / at the time of festivals and feasts.
The Rongmei have developed great skill in bamboo work,wood work,blacksmithy and pottery making.Raw materials being readily available, the Rongmei are expert basket makers bamboo baskets are made in conical and cylinderical shapes.Mats and shields of bamboo are also made. The Rongmei are very good wood carvers.The carving is done with the help of crude instruments like BANG.. , axe,chisel etc.Pottery is howver not a very popular art.