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The Rongmei are among the earliest inhabitant of Manipur. The rich variety of their clothing reflects their rich cultural heritage. The Rongmei dance with their colourful costumes is a well known tribal form of tribal performing art. The Rongmei dress is categorised on the basis of gender (Male and Female) and age gradation ; child, youth, married and elder woman. For instance the following description of the dress is given in brief:

Male dress                                                        Name of cloth
Age grade: 
1. Walking child                                              -  Sineiphei
2. Cattle herding boy                                       - Themphei
3. Youth                                                          - Mareipan
4. Senior married youth                                   - Pheingao
5. Elder Masin                                                  -pheipong
6. Old men                                                     -  Kharam phei
( Mareiphai and Pheingao are the most common male cloth)

Female dress Name of cloth
1. Walking girl child                                          - Lengli pheisho
2. Adolescent                                                   - Pheishoi and Nai
3. Married women                                            - Pheishoi, nai of different patterns 
4. Elder women                                                - Pheishoi with the pattern of bunting chapi etc.

The dance costume is colourful, both for male and female. The female dress is called Langhu Pheishoi.